saturday we going to ulu kenas, camping!!~ farewell for final year taekwondo members.. at 1st d plan is 20 person going.. but at last after many people back off ( tkot x smpt catch study kut =p ) only 10 survived.. LOL
waiting for xiao siang n yong hwa at lembaran cafe.. ready to depart1st day~ saturdayaktiviti 1st: set up tents.. 

2pm to 3pm
haha.. it took 1 hour, babe. its "king-scout" boon peng's fault..
kata terer~ tp.. hampeh
semua pun pakat tak tahu.. malu2
~ ak reti.. reti tgk. heeee ~
at last, almost there!!~aktiviti 2: mandi sungai3.30pm
ini yg ku tunggu2.. hahaha.. sume rupe jakun tgk air..
tapi kesian boonpeng, takot air.. hahaha..
lepas mandi, sudenly its raining like cat & dog.. seriously, heavily rained
kami pun cepat2 pindah.. msuk dalam dewan.. siap heret 1 tent masuk..
a tent under shelter..aktiviti 3: bbq8pm
makan.. makan.. makan.. all cant stop eating already ( especially albee, dgn ben.. hahaha )
we got chicken, sosej, mee soup..
but we didnt prepare ourselves. caterer do all the work, we do all the eat.. miahahaha
camping ke cmni? heeee
aktiviti 4: tdo~~1am
perut kenyang hati senang.. bed time, with no bed.. heeee
bcoz of the rain, we decided to sleep inside the dewan.. even the rain stopped but still got one tent became dirty already. no one wants to sleep there.. pls, i know all the guys afraid of harimau.. n ghost!! ~ hahaha.. makan ben!!!!

2nd day~ sundaymorning 7.30 we wake up for breakfast and get ready for hiking.. but sudenly the organizer said there's no guide for us.. that guy got urgent matter to settle.. nevermind le..
so, after breakfast.. we play a game.. "run n chase" kate qiaoru.. hehe..
then, tired
mandi sungai again!!!!
b4 mandi sungai, got a man tried to change his seluar in tent. but unfortunately, pervert albee got captured his photo while he's changing seluar.. who is that unlucky dude? hahahaha
this is weechuen, ben n xiaosiang.wuuuuuuuuuu~ sexy ~~ hahahathen after take bath, packing and clear the tent area ( like we really camp there.. heeee )
we go back around 1pm
taknak balik!!!!~
but ben said, "next time can go again meh?"
hahaha.. "can.. can.. can"
next time; genting!!!!
*** ben will grad this sem.. huk3.. gonna miss u n ur "supper-time".. who wanna teman me go makan after this.. ?? n no one gonna send me to bus station anymore.. ask that company to give u a place at juru le.. later everyday u can come find me..sob sob
qiaoru will graduate soon too.. sob sob.. gonna miss u also sis
weechuen and boonpeng maybe will continue master.. so see u guys.. haha.. later still got u two to walk together with me to training.. hehe
from left, boonpeng, lilyto, albee, weechuenalso sweetest gudbye to thomas, choe yung, chit kwang, diana and alan.. good luck wit ur future~** sory, post ni cm cmpur2 english+malay. aku riso member2 taekwondo ak x phm if ak tls full malay.. heeelilyto