1) Bus tickets already sold out by the time i wanted to buy the ticket
2) I dont have much time to go back home since i have to finish my FYP lab ASAP
3)Its kind of interesting to celebrate hari raya at my friend's place which i can experience new things with my friends
Me, BCD, abg long and wina ( the host ) went back to wina's house on Thursday evening after we finished our last lab before hari raya. The journey took about 2 hours and we reached there around 5 PM.
Thanks a lot to wina's family for treating us like their own family. We had fun there!
We came back to campus on Friday night. On the way back, we went to Jusco Bandar Perda to watch Twilight Saga : New Moon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The movie is damn, freaking, f***king awesome!!!!! i LOVEEEEEEEEE edward cullen..
Proudly said, im " team EDWARD " =DD
Thanks to WINA, BCD and ABG LONG bcoz they still want to see the movie even though i know they were really tired after whole day of eating eating and eating! =P
** they knew im a big big big fan of twilight.. not to mention, EDWARD CULLEN! **

i gave this movie: 10 stars!! hahahaha
cant wait for Twilight Saga: Eclipse next year!
*** photos on the Hari Raya will be out soooonnnnn =DD ***